Friday, July 20, 2007

New challenges...

It's amazing how we are faced with new challenges over and over again! I guess I keep waiting for that time when life is stress free and I have conquered all challenges. Yeah right...The longer I think that way, the longer I'm going to be faced with new challenges. My newest challenge is a good one. It is something I have brought into my life, and welcome very much! This is something for me. I found myself looking for someone to do this with, but realized I can do this!! Just me. And I need to do something just for me....besides...I always have God! I am determined to be a "happy skinny little wife" for my husband...hee hee :) I deserve it, and he deserves it. I really want to feel healthy and more energetic...I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!!!
"God, give me the strength to stay on this path. It is the best thing I could do for myself, my husband, friends, and kids. Amen"

Monday, July 2, 2007

Worry and Faith...

Someone very close to me, from my past, once said these words to me.."It's impossible to WORRY and have FAITH at the same time"! It is one of my biggest struggles. I worry about my kids, and my grandson more than I care to. I want so badly to trust that everything will be okay, and I KNOW it will. Why do I still worry? My mind is constantly running senarios...and usually not ideal ones either. Always thinking about the "What If's". I want so badly just to have faith, and let go & let God. That is why I must stay in constant prayer about this....
"Lord, please help me to know that you are in control, and that everything is just as it should be. Let me feel the peace that you offer. Help me to remember that you are in control. Help me to remember that my childrens destiny's are theirs, not mine!! It is their journey...and you are guiding them. Amen"


P.S. I have to go to sleep now...been up too too long! Goodnight:)

Friday, June 29, 2007

I love my life...

I am just so unbelievably thankful for my life. Never in a million years would I have thought I could be soo happy! I absolutely love my life is not perfect (at all!), but that is probably what makes me love it even more. I always tell's perfectly IMPERFECT! I am just so blessed with a husband that is such a Team-Player. He is there for me every step of this journey I'm matter what. He has been through so much with me, most men would probably not still be here considering what he has been through. He helps me so much with the house, laundry, dishes, CONSTANTLY picking up after everybody...the yard, errands, grocery shopping...and the list goes on! We have such an amazing connection, we are so lucky. There is no one I would rather be with...We just got back from a two night get away, went to a wedding, went to the coast...HAD A BLAST! We travel so well together. I have truly been blessed by God to have this man for a husband. He is so real, so philosophical, so emotional, so so FUN, so romantic.....
Thank you God for my husband, best friend, lover....

I totally adore my children, and am so thankful for each of them. My oldest daughter Sarah is such a gift to me. She is the most genuine, loving soul. She has never been anything but a total blast to be around...and the most polite little thing you ever did meet. I wish so much I could be closer to her...she's too far away! I pray someday that she will end up living near family...even if it's not me.
Thank you God for bringing Sarah Ann into my life...I am honored and blessed and a better human being because you brought her into my life!

My Mikayla Linda...where do I begin? We have been through so much together. From the moment I saw her, I could do nothing but Love her....She was the most beautiful baby...sweet baby. I had never been so in love in all my life! She has brought so much spunk, fun, challenge, and love to my life. We have had some amazing fun times...She is so hilarious and crazy (wonder where she gets that from?). She is such a beautiful, loving, compassionate young lady...! We have also been through some hard, challenging times...but the most important thing is the end, she will always be my baby girl. And I will NEVER stop loving her, even when she pushes me away...
Thank you God for Mikayla Linda....

My little Lauren Denise...Ya know, I didn't think I could love another like I had loved fact, when I was pregnant with Lauren...I was so afraid I might not have it in me to love her like I already loved Mikayla. Boy was I wrong...amazingly, here comes this sweet little baby Lauren, and I was head over heels in love AGAIN! She has been an absolute joy to have as a daughter, with her own set of unique challenges. Lauren lives in her own little world...I'm just so thankful that she invites me in to it...not everyone gets to visit there! She is pretty picky with who she lets in. She is smart, and funny, and so, so beautiful. I can't wait to watch her grow, and see what God has in store for her.
Thank you God for Lauren Denise...

Miss Parris...a total blast, and another one who is over the top polite and sweet. She is so much fun, and so helpful. She is a total and complete NUT, when she wants to be...and then she can be the shyest person you ever met. She is very inquisitive...and secretive too! She would do anything for anyone! She has already brought so much love and joy to my life...I can not wait to watch her grow up! We're going to have a blast!
Thank you God for Parris Tovana...

I love my home, my job, my parents, friends, neighbors, children....God has blessed me in so many ways...I never want to take it for granted.

I love my life!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

First Blog EVER!

Me and my sweet baby boy!! So I am going to try this blogging thing!
More later....trying to "edit" my profile!